Your EdTech Assessment Tool

Welcome to your
EdTech Assessment

Welcome to the EdTech Assessment Tool, designed to help you ask the right questions and have the right conversations for an aligned, cohesive, digital strategy that will stand the test of time.

Based on leading frameworks from organizations including ISTE, the OECD and NAACE, actionable insights are just a few questions away. The assessment should take you around 20 minutes to complete - if you have to step away, we'll save your spot (just keep this browser tab open!).

Answer each question as best you can, or choose to skip question if you're not sure how to respond. Your thoughtful responses to questions about outcomes, tech use, and how well-developed you are in specific areas will build you an immediate, induvidual comprehensive report filled with precise recommendations designed to enhance and refine your school's digital strategy.


The first set of questions is focused on outcomes.

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Was your school or group successful in achieving your teaching and learning in the past year?
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What is your overall impression of how effectively teachers are using technology to deliver learning experiences?
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How well are students meeting their performance metrics as outlined and evaluated by the school system?
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If your school was ranked in comparison to other local schools, how was/were your school(s) ranked in their most recent evaluation?
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What is your overall impression of how effectively students are learning with technology?
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How well are your students prepared for careers, to be active contributors to society, and to grow their well-being, life and social skills?
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The next (and biggest!) set of questions focuses on how well developed you are at the 25 capabilities shown to have an impact on EdTech outcomes. They're each based on 4 levels of development. Use the slider for each question to choose where you think you fall.

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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your stage of development in leadership vision & stakeholder alignment:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your stage of development in strategic planning:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your stage of technology change management:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with the effectiveness of your technology evaluation and implementation:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your level of teacher participation in technology planning:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your level of student participation in technology planning:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your level of parent and community engagement:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your network infrastructure:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your stage of development in cybersecurity and data privacy for student, parent, teacher and administrator remote access:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with how you design learning spaces:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your technical support:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your compatibility of learning technologies:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with meeting the needs of all learners:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with the focus of professional learning:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with student digital responsibility, citizenship and safeguarding:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your teacher and staff mindset:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your professional development planning:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your training offerings and options:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your effectiveness in evaluating professional development :
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with yourfocus on student and teacher wellbeing:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your acceptable technology use policy:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your stage of development in embedding technology in teaching and learning:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your evaluation and integration of new and emerging technologies:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your stage of development in assessing student progress:
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Move the slider to the description that best aligns with your support for social and emotional skill development:
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These next few questions are about the tech you're using today. Please describe your organization's use of the following technologies - note that some software or applications may fall into multiple categories.

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Please describe your organization's use of the following technologies:

Not in use Some to moderate use In use by most In use by all or almost all I don't know
Interactive whiteboards or displays
Non-interactive screens/TVs
Software for Lesson Creation
Software or Apps(s) for Formative Assessment
Pre-created digital lesson content
Software for Lesson Delivery
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Please describe your organization's use of the following technologies:

Not in use Some to moderate use In use by most In use by all or almost all I don't know
Software or app(s) for Student Collaboration
Software or App(s) for Gamification/Game-based Learning
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What is your role in education?
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How many students are directly impacted by your work?
Response Required
Thank you, and congratulations on taking this step toward strategic alignment. Your report is available on the next screen. Want to get even more actionable recommendations based on your results? Keep in touch! opt in below - we promise not to spam you.

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Select the Next button below to get your report now.

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